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Forum: Speaking and Listening 30th April 2004, 11:47 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

sure, your writing is a living proof. :mrgreen:...

sure, your writing is a living proof. :mrgreen:
joking. BTW, could you pls kindly to explain to our native fellow and foreign friends what does
the 干 mean here?
is that was just[A] character had...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 28th April 2004, 02:57 AM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

yeah, agree, i m waiting for it too. 8) i'm...

yeah, agree, i m waiting for it too. 8)

i'm just wondering without andio data, how can we get the right ancient pronunciation?
莫非有古人“投胎转世”? :mrgreen: there are several books talking about...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 27th April 2004, 01:37 AM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

:conf ...

:conf 你以为我也受外族影响,语言退化了啊?:mrgreen: :wink:
sorry for that i didnt make myself...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 26th April 2004, 04:23 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

it could be in Vienam and Korea, but why japan?...

it could be in Vienam and Korea, but why japan? ppl in india have to speak english before, but why

sure without 儿, as
1/ they didnt adopt mandarin
2/ they couldnt pronounce R, that's why...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 26th April 2004, 03:59 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

that explains, ala! i dont know any japanese,...

that explains, ala!

i dont know any japanese, but according to the chinse characters in it, and the net translater's
rerult, they adopted characters from 百済 in the first place, as everyone knows, 百済...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 26th April 2004, 03:51 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

you mean the natural selections might never...

you mean the natural selections might never happened in no man's islands?

Forum: Speaking and Listening 26th April 2004, 03:35 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

come on! then, where were the beijing/north local...

come on! then, where were the beijing/north local ppl? you mean they all die? or up to ppl from
everywhere to change their accent? pls notice this, there were no broadcast and TV stations in

Forum: Speaking and Listening 9th April 2004, 11:52 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

yeah, quest, that's a point from an impersonal...

yeah, quest, that's a point from an impersonal perspective.
(but does british have influenced HKers cantonese accent? or the older one, Macao people's accent
have been influenced by Portuguese?...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 9th April 2004, 10:45 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

50% agree, but don't you think there could have...

50% agree, but don't you think there could have been other possibilities?

1.they just adopt Chinese writing system, but not the pronunciation system. e.g. Vietnam using
Latin alphabets right now,...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 9th April 2004, 12:02 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

ok, eric, lets agree to disagree, i just want to...

ok, eric, lets agree to disagree, i just want to mention one point BTW, the poem wroten in 楚语

Forum: Speaking and Listening 9th April 2004, 11:55 AM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

ala then where the origninal north han chinese...


then where the origninal north han chinese went? i mean the 燕? do you mean they had been
influenced by 洋鬼子, and speaking chinese just like foreign accent? they couldnt do a good job
at chinese,...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 9th April 2004, 02:53 AM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

BTW, the poem has no problem, but the poet's name...

BTW, the poem has no problem, but the poet's name is not correct. SB xiang4 yu3, not xiang1 yu4.
also, if you heard that sounds more softer is not a right feeling, xiang yu 是豪放派诗人,
this poem has no...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 9th April 2004, 02:25 AM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

it may be, but dont forget that, boy, 项羽 is 西楚霸王,...

it may be, but dont forget that, boy, 项羽 is 西楚霸王, and 楚 is nearby today's 湖北,
楚、越、吴语are both south dialects.

And here we can find something could be useful right now, as you know, in史记 or 汉书, we...

Forum: Speaking and Listening 9th April 2004, 01:30 AM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

oh,really then how come i think they sound better...

oh,really then how come i think they sound better in mandarin? i think sometimes changing
ourselve's perspective is very important. :conf

Forum: Speaking and Listening 9th April 2004, 01:23 AM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

ok, i temporarily agree with you unless i found...

ok, i temporarily agree with you unless i found new evidences. i have also read a taiwanese
scholars paper, he thought that the sourth dialets are more similar with the ancient chinese than

Forum: Speaking and Listening 8th April 2004, 03:55 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN

in addition
约七十万年前:朝鲜半岛开始有人类定居。 ...

in addition


Forum: Speaking and Listening 8th April 2004, 02:50 PM

Replies: 62

Chinese roots in other languages

Views: 7,944

Posted By 39degN



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